2022 Lakes Preservation Scholarship Winners
We are proud to award the following students our 2022 Lakes Preservation Scholarship!
We are proud to award the following students our 2022 Lakes Preservation Scholarship!
On September 6th, several LPL members took a boat ride to the north end of Devils Lake with Niklas Kranz. Niklas is a Water Quality Technician with the Huron River Watershed Council. He is an expert in the field of … Continued
We Need You to Take Immediate Action Now to Help Save the Michigan Clean Water Corps (MiCorps) and the Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program! This is a great opportunity for you to help preserve and protect Michigan’s vast treasure of inland … Continued
The Round Lake boat launch is scheduled to be closed Oct 9-13 for concrete installation. Please continue to check this page for updates, as this schedule could potentially change.
DNR, DEQ, MDARD to host outreach events at boat launches during Aquatic Invasive Species Awareness Week Gov. Rick Snyder has proclaimed July 3-9 as Aquatic Invasive Species Awareness Week in Michigan, and state departments are observing the week with outreach … Continued
Property owners in Michigan during the 1960’s and 1970’s main safety problem on inland lakes was speed boats operated in fast or unsafe fashion. During the 1980’s the proliferation of jet skis or personal watercraft struck many riparians as nuisance and a … Continued
The original request by Devils Lake Ventures was for 168 boat slips for the marina at the old Sun and Snow location. Forty slips were to be reserved for the restaurant with 128 slips for rental. The plan was to roll … Continued
Thanks to one of our members for pointing out this interesting article. Microbeads, tiny plastic particles, often less than a millimeter in size, are packed into personal hygiene products. Being so tiny, they pass through wastewater treatment systems and end … Continued
In an effort to protect water quality in the area we are asking all residents to consider using no-phosphorous lawn fertilizer. It is estimated that just one pound of phosphorous in the water will produce 500 pounds of blue-green algae. … Continued
The Clearwater Beach Association of Devils Lake recently placed a plaque on what remains of the Clearwater Beach Arch. The arch was built in 1928 and placed on the Michigan State Register of Historic Places in 1984.