Proud sponsors of the Lakes Preservation League
Lakes Preservation League is a non-profit organization committed to the preservation of natural resources in the Devils and Round Lakes areas in Lenawee County, Michigan.
Meetings are normally held the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm at the Rollin Township Hall, 730 Manitou Road, Manitou Beach, MI.
The lakes are here for all of us to enjoy...but without an organization committed to lake preservation and improvement, they may not be here for our children.
The quality of life that we have grown accustomed to cannot be taken for granted. Many changes take place that affect our lake environment positively or negatively. We all need an organization that will try to make sure that changes are changes for the better.
Yearly dues are $25.00 (November 1st though October 31st).
Along with your membership you will receive our monthly newsletter, The Preserver, as well as a subscription to The Michigan Riparian which is published quarterly.
Click Here! to print a membership application form.
Remember the Lakes Preservation League is a non-profit organization. Your dues are tax deductible. For further information contact Rick Capaldi, Membership Chairman, 248-778-8238.
Article I Name and Organization
Section 1. The organization will be known as the Lakes Preservation League, Inc., Manitou Beach, 9253, Lenawee County, Michigan.
Section 2. The organization is a non-profit corporation, with certificate of incorporation operating within the laws of the State of Michigan.
Article II Objectives
Section 1. The League is committed to the preservation of natural resources as well as the quality of life in the Devils and Round Lake area. The League will have contact and cooperate with all appropriate local and state agencies in order to carry out its mission.
Section 2. The League will support issues which are concerned with the quality and maintenance of the water supply in the lakes area, and will conduct appropriate testing and research to ensure the highest standards of water quality. The League will also be concerned with the maintenance and balance of wildlife within the lakes area.
Section 3. The League will encourage its members, as well as the general public, to become informed about environmental issues, not only in the local area but on a state, national and international level. Through its newsletter and other publicity efforts, the League will encourage interest in conservation issues, and will also cooperate with local schools and other organizations to promote the realization of this goal.
Section 4. The League will promote social activities as planned by the Board of Directors. Members are encouraged to enjoy the quality of life in this lake area together: to learn together, to play together and, in general, to enjoy life in its fullest sense while living in this beautiful lakes area.
Article I Membership
Section 1. Any property owner or resident of the Devils or Round Lake area, or anyone who is interested in the preservation of the quality of life in the lakes area is eligible for membership in the League.
Section 2. For the purpose of voting, one needs to be a paid member in good standing.
Section 3. The Board may give honorary memberships.
Article II Officers
Section 1. The officers of the League shall be: President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary, each of whom will also serve as a member of the Board of Directors. The officers will be elected by a majority vote of the membership attending the summer meeting of the fiscal year, known as the annual meeting. The term of office will be one year, although officers will be encouraged to serve more than one term for the sake of effectiveness and continuity.
Section 2. The officers of the League will serve without salary.
Section 3. The Board of Directors will consist of the 4 duly elected officers as well as the immediate Past-President. Six at-large board members will be selected by the membership and will serve for a period of 3 years. These members will serve staggered terms (two elected each year) for purposes of continuity. In addition, the Chairperson of the Membership Committee, the Publicity Chairperson, and any member of the Lakes Preservation League who is an official of the Michigan Lakes and Streams Association will be a Board member. The Board may also appoint other Chairpersons to be members of the Board.
Section 4. Duties of Officers and Board of Directors
1. The President will schedule and preside at all general and board meetings of the League, and may form committees as deemed necessary. He may also carry on appropriate correspondence, with the assistance of other officers or members.
2. The Vice-President will assist the President and assume the responsibilities of the President in his absence. If the President is unable or unwilling to complete his term of office, the Vice-President will assume the duties of the office until a new President can be elected at the next annual meeting.
3. The Treasurer will keep complete records of all monies received, including dues, and all expenditures. A report will be given at each Board meeting as well as at the general membership meetings. The Treasurer will make of payments at the direction of the Board of Directors.
4. The Secretary will keep the minutes of all meetings and may assist in the preparation of a newsletter to be sent to all current members of the League. The Secretary may also assist the President in the preparation of correspondence.
Article III Fiscal Year and Meetings
Section 1. The fiscal year will begin January 1st and end December 31st.
Section 2. The annual meeting will be any meeting during the summer as designated by the Board.
Section 3. The Board meetings will normally be on the first Wednesday of each month, or as scheduled by the President.
Article IV Fiscal Procedures
Section 1. Any property of the League will be under the control of the Board of Directors.
Section 2. All funds shall be deposited in the name of the League by the Treasurer or the Membership Chairperson. All disbursements are made by check signed by the Treasurer or other designated person.
Section 3. All disbursements over $100 must be approved in advance by the Board.
Section 4. An Audit will be performed every two years by two persons appointed by the Board, beginning August, 1996.
Article V Dues
Section 1. To remain a member in good standing, dues must be paid by October 31st for the next year.
Article VI Replacement of Officers or Board Members
Section 1. In the event that an officer or board member resigns, with the exception of the President (see Article 2, Section 4, number 2) replacement will be made by the Board.
Article VII Committees
Section 1. The President may form committees, as deemed necessary.
Section 2. The President will appoint a nominating committee at appropriate times.
Article VIII Elections and Privileges
Section 1. All members are entitled to League privileges, including voting and holding office. Each membership (for example a husband and wife) has one vote, collectively, for the two persons.
Article IX Amendments
Section 1. The By-Laws may be amended at any regular or special Board meeting by a majority vote, provided that there is a quorum of members present.
Presented to Board of Directors
March 13, 1996
Revised by Board of Directors, March 7, 2018
Lovingly recreated in digital form by S. Ose 08/14/2015